Secrets to Goal Setting Revealed ...
Others also emailed me that it would be a good idea to link my blog to other blogs which post similar topics on personal development and wealth generation. I think that's a great idea! So if you know of any other good blogs that blog about wealth, entrepreneurship, financial mastery etc, do drop me an email so that I can link to those blogs.
Ok, in my last posting, I shared about why it's so important to set goals for your life. If you haven't read my last blog posting, I strongly encourage you to read it before starting on this post. Knowing why you need to set goals is infinitely more important than knowing how. In life, you always need to know why you need to do something before you learn how to do it. Without the passion, purpose and motivation to do what you are going to do, you'll never be able to do it to the best of your ability. So if you still don't know why you need to set goals, do go back to my previous post and read it.
For those of you who have been following my posting, today I'm going to blog about the specifics of goal setting and how to use it to get the wealth you desire.
On to the good stuff ...
I want all of your to imagine yourselves as being at a Point A, which is your current point in your life. Imagine also a Point B in your life. This Point B is in the future. Think of Point B as the ultimate goal that you must achieve in your life.
Now, Point B may be some distance away, so in-between your current situation and your ultimate goal, you should have your short-term, mid-term and long-term goals. Break down your goals into short-term (6 months to 1 year), mid-term (3 to 5 years) and long-term (5 years and beyond) goals. And these goals should lead you towards your ultimate goal in life.
So go on, list down at least 5 items each for your short-term, mid-term and long-term goals.
So how do you go about setting your goals, achieving them and getting the wealth and success you desire?
Here's the first step ...
Your goals must be SMART.
"What's that supposed to mean Terence?"
SMART simply stands for:
Yup ... that's the first step in successful goal-setting.
Let's go through each of the terms ...
You must be very very clear about your goals. It's no point being hazy about your goals. Remember that goals are your directions to the wealth and success you desire! If you're a driver and your roads are all hazy, would you be able to get to your destination? Not likely right?
Similarly, if your goals are not specific or clear, chances are, you won't get to where you want to go as well. So be very specific about what you want to achieve. Be very very specific about your goals. There's no two ways about it!
Your goals must be quantifiable. You should be able to put a figure to your goals.
For example ...
"I must earn $10000 by 31 June 2006"
"I must lose 10kg by 31 June 2006"
"I must have 300 new clients by 31 June 2006"
Did you realise two things in the above 3 example? I used the word must and I was also very clear on the figures involved. Goals need to be measurable so that our brain can accept the command you are giving it and carry it out. If your brain cannot understand the quantity involved in your goal, chances are it will not be able to help you get your goal.
Your goals must be something that can be possible to achieve.
For example, if your goal is to buy the whole universe, is it achievable? Probably not right?
But if your goal is to own a parcel of land on the moon, is it achievable? As far as I know, it is already possible thanks to an enterprising entrepreneur.
So make sure your goals are achievable.
Now, here comes the tricky part ...
How do you know if your goal is reasonable?
Ask other people of course! But remember to ask the right people. Don't just ask anybody, ask the right people! Ask people who have done it before and people who have the results you desire to have!
For example, is it possible to be a millionaire in 3 years starting from scratch? If you ask Bill Gates, Steve Jobs or Micheal Dell, what will they say?
Of course it's reasonable! Because they know it's possible!
Same thing, is it possible to be a billionaire in 5 years starting from scratch? If you ask the same 3 people, what will they say?
Of course it's reasonable too! Because they know it's possible too!
But if you ask a road sweeper or garbage collector whether it's reasonable, what will he say? Will he say it's reasonable?
I can bet you that he will look at you straight in the eye and ask you ...
"Are you nuts? Are you out of your mind?"
Why is this? Because it has never occured to him that it's actually possible to achieve all that in just 3 to 5 years!
So asking the right people is very very important if you want to know if your goals are reasonable. If you want to know if your financial goals are reasonable, ask people who are already successful entrepreneurs or have already achieved a a certain degree of wealth. That's the only way to know if your goals are reasonable.
Last but not least, remember to attach a time-frame to your goals, or else you may never achieve your goals.
Because the human mind is naturally lazy and we are always searching for the easiest way out! Humans often procrastinate whenever they can, right?
Think about this scenario ...
How many of you are currently employed? And how many of you have ever been given projects by your bosses?
If the project is due in 30 days, how many of you would usually leave it till the last 5 to 10 days before working on the project? And if the project had no dateline, how many of you would actually even start on the project?
So if your goals do not have a time-frame attached to them, your mind will always tell you there's still plenty of time and you'll never ever get around to achieving your goal! Makes sense?
So remember to set a time-frame to your goals so that you'll see yourself steadily approaching your wealth goals, success goals and financial goals
So use what I've shared today, apply them to your goals and make them smart!
I'll share the second step in my next post.
Carpe Diem ... Seize the Day!
Tags: Terence Tan, goal setting, personal development, goals, success, millionaire, billionaire, wealth creation, wealth mastery, wealth mastery, wealth, rich, business, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship, knowledge, milliionaire mind, mindset of the rich, weblogs, blogging, Life, blogs, blog, Blogging