Sunday, May 14, 2006

Success Formula Secrets Part Two

"How you do anything is how you do everything"

Dear friends, these were words given to me by another mentor of mine and it has impacted my life in a profound manner. How you do anything will ultimately determine your success in life!

For those of you who have been following my blog, have you taken action on any aspects of your life yet? If yes, congratulations! I'm sure your life is already on the upcurve.

Speaking of action, that's Part Two of my Success Formula Secrets. If you may recall, part one was about deciding on the results you want in your life.

Now, in order to get results, you must first take action! Many people attend seminars, read books and listen to audios. But they forget the 'action' step and after that, they wonder why they haven't achieved the phenomenal success promised by the gurus.

You don't get results without taking action!

Come on, everything in life requires action before you see results! Even winning the lottery requires action. Do you know of anyone who won a lottery by sitting at home and doing nothing? An action must have taken place before he won the lottery! Either he bought the ticket himself or somebody gave it to him. An action took place which led to him winning the lottery!

Another universal formula which will stand the test of time:

Ma = Mr

'What in the world is that?'

Massive action = Massive results

Friends, if you only want results the size of a pin-head, forget about reading all these. I don't want you wasting your time on my blog. There are many ways to get small results and you don't need to read my blog or read any other books on success. You'll find small success sometime or other in your life. Sorry for being so hard-hitting but I really want this knowledge to be helpful to you.

But if you want success the size of a massive jumbo jet, if you want your life to be one filled with luxuries, if you want to live in that beautiful mansion overlooking the ocean and having a beautiful view of the horizon, if you want to be in the driver's seat of the flaming-red Ferarri that's been the object of your dreams ...

You need to take massive action! Massive results always require massive action!

Anthony Robbins sums it up in a most-powerful quote ...

'Action is the foundational key to all success'

Let's look at an everyday example ...

How many guys out there want to have a body that you can be proud of? How many of you want a body that you can flaunt at the beach and have ladies swoon at the sight of your utterly, deliciously muscular body? I hear many 'Yeah' and 'sure do' in the heads of male readers. Let's face it, which normal hot-blooded male wouldn't?

But do you get such a body just going to the gym once a month? Or once a week? Come on! You probably need to go at least 3 times a week to achieve such a body right? Maybe even 5 times a week. In other words, you need to take massive action!

I'm sure you can think of other everyday examples of how massive action leads to massive results. The list is endless.

So if you desire certain results in your life, take action. Not later, not tomorrow, but now!

Opportunity doesn't knock twice on the same door. Heck, it doesn't even knock once ...
It's waiting by the side of the road waiting for you to pick it up!

Pass it by and the person behind you will pick it up. When that happens, you can wave goodbye to opportunity forever.

What one action could you take that if you did, would propel you closer to your life goal? Take action on it now!

Carpe Diem ... Seize the day