Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Secrets to Goal Setting Revealed ... Part Two

Welcome back everyone, did you enjoy making your goals more SMART with the secrets I shared with you in my last post? If you did, congratulations! If you didn't, I urge you to go back to the last post and read it over again. This first step is critical in being the foundation to your goal setting success.

Let's move on to the second step ...

It's often been said that

The quality of your life depends on the quality of the questions you ask yourself

And it's very true! If you ask yourself positive and empowering questions every morning when you wake up, the rest of your day will be motivating, empowering and uplifting.

But if you ask yourself negative and disempowering questions first thing in the morning, you can be sure that the rest of your day will be down in the pits!

Let's have an example ...

From tomorrow onwards, when you wake up first thing in the morning, ask yourself this question:

"Today is a great day! I'm feeling on top of the world! What can I do to improve the quality of my life and where can I win in my business or work?"

You will realise that you will immediately be in a frame of mind where you feel great about yourself and you will be looking out for areas where you can win for the rest of your day.

Then after two days, ask yourself this question first thing in the morning when you wake up:

"It looks like it's going to be a lousy day today. I wonder what kind of problems my colleagues are going to give me and the amount of work that my boss is going to dump on my desk? I wonder whether the traffic is going to be horrible?"

Try asking yourselves the above two questions and tell me the difference in how you feel. You be the judge!

So if questions are so important to you, shouldn't you be constantly asking yourself empowering and positive questions?

That's what part two of goal setting is all about. It's about asking yourself 3 very important, critical and empowering questions ...

  1. Why must you achieve your goal?
  2. What are the pains of not achieving your goal?
  3. What are the pleasures of achieving your goal?

Take some time to think about the above 3 questions and seriously answer them. Don't go through the motion. These 3 questions are some of the most important questions you will ever face in your life and if you answer them seriously enough, you will find your life begin to improve almost immediately!

So why are pains and pleasures so important? They can be likened to the motivation to keep us going. And what is motivation?

Let me give you an analogy ...

I want you to visualize that you are the pilot of a jet plane ...
Visualize that you are flying a jet plane towards your goal ...
Visualize it very clearly in your mind.

Now as you propel yourself towards your goal, does your plane need fuel? The longer your journey towards your goal, the more fuel you will need right? If you don't have enough fuel, is it possible your plane may never reach it's goal?

Similarly, pains and pleasures are the fuel that will propel you towards your goals in life. If you don't have enough pains and pleasures to motivate you, it is possible you may give up on your goals halfway?

So having enough pains and pleasures to motivate you is extremely important! Most humans move away from pain and move towards pleasure.

Pain tends to be a better motivating force because most people are afraid of pain. If you are afraid to list down the pains of not achieving your goals, it is going to be more difficult for you to succeed and achieve your goals.

Personally, I've written over 300 reasons why I must achieve my goals as well as the pains and pleasures associated with my goals. Do you think I have enough motivation to propel me towards my goal? Do you think I have enough fuel? I certainly think so.

How about you? How much fuel do you have? Do you have enough motivation to propel you? If not, please top-up your fuel and give yourself enough reasons to motivate you!

In the process of achieving your goals, will you meet with challenges along the way? Does increasing your income have challenges along the way? Is the road to success a challenging one? Does climbing the corporate ladder have challenges along the way?

If you do not have enough motivation, you may give-up along the way! Motivation is an extremely powerful force that can propel you towards your goals!

There is a saying that pain creates motion or action. How true is this? Let's look at an example I want to illustrate to you ...

Anyone afraid of going to the dentist to extract his tooth? I know I once had that fear because of the pain involved. Sometimes, your tooth may hurt but because you're afraid of going to the dentist, you put off your visit and try to ignore the pain. But when the pain becomes unbearable, you have no choice but to visit the dentist, am I right?

Therefore, people only act when there's enough pain! So give yourself enough pains of not achieving your goals. These pains can motivate you to achieve your goals!

When you wna to set a pain of not achieving your goal, don't set a small pain. Set a pain that will be really painful! What is real pain?

Imagine yourself holding a dagger ... not just any dagger, but a dagger with jagged edges. Imagine yourself plungin the dagger into your heart, then giving it a few turns before pulling it out!

Is that real pain? Can you feel the pain? Of course I'm not asking you to actually do it! I just want you to visualize the excrutiating pain in the above scenario.

If you can give yourself a pain that's as painful as the above scenario, congratulations! If your pain of not achieving your goal is as painful as the above scenario, would you ever give up? Would you ever let go of your goals? Definitely not, am I right?

If the pains of not achieving your goal is as painful as the above scenario, will you definitely force yourself to achieve your goal? Definitely! Because the pain of not achieving your goal is very painful!

Of course, your pains should not involve any self-mutilation or self-injury or self-harm. Just set a pain that is painful for yourself!

Now, if your do achieve your goal, give yourself a pleasure. It can be buying that branded bag you've been eyeing all this while ... It can be going for a trip to that beautiful resort you've been dying to go to ... it could be going for a holiday in an exotic location ...

Similarly to the pains of not achieving, your pleasures of achieving should be as pleasuable as possible so that it will motivate you to achieve your goals as well!

So one again, ask yourself why you must achieve your goals.

Set a pain for not achieving your goal and a pleasure for achieving your goals.

And as always,

Carpe Diem ... Seize the Day!

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